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Growing old can be a scary chapter in life, especially when you’re deciding whether to move into a retirement village. Moving into a retirement home calls for downsizing your life and departing the home you’ve lived in for the majority of your life.

Although this is a worrying thought, there are things you can do to make the transition easier. Continue reading to find out what you can do.

1. Find Out About Location

When you move into a retirement village, there will be plenty of activities to keep you occupied on-site. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider the location and make the most of the surrounding area.

For example, if you move to this Atlanta retirement community from Belmont Village, you will find a row of restaurants nearby ready to offer variety. When choosing a location, you should decide on places you’d like to visit and carry out some research.

2. Try Before You Buy

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Although a prospective retirement village looks to offer everything you need, you have to go and visit to work out if you’ll fit in there.

This shouldn’t be an issue because the majority of retirement villages offer open days and invite potential residents to sample their activities and get to know the community.

If you’ve been to visit and you need more time to decide, don’t be afraid of visiting again. After all, this is going to be the home you’ll live out your days in, and you need to be happy.

3. Talk to Potential Neighbors

When visiting potential retirement homes, speak to the wider community. There’s nothing better than speaking to someone who’s been through the process of moving already.

Through talking to the residents, you will gain useful insights and may come away with a friend along the way.

Getting involved and talking to current residents will guarantee a smoother transition into your new home. After all, if you think about your current home, you probably only know your current neighbors.

4. Benefit From Village Facilities

As well as a community to get involved in and access to care services, your new retirement village will come with a ton of facilities. Whether it’s a weekly book club or an afternoon of low-impact sports, you should make the most of them.

Some care homes will have snooker rooms, shuttle bus services, and access to onsite hairdressers. You are paying for the service you’re being provided, so make sure you make the most of the facilities.

5. Consider Downsizing

When you’re leaving a large family home to live in a retirement village, you will need to downsize considerably. This can be a daunting process because you spend your entire life building material possessions only to leave them behind.

No one is telling you to discard your prized memories, but there’s no point clinging to extravagant furniture that won’t fit in your new home. Instead of viewing downsizing as a negative, think of it as a fresh start with belongings that are the “right-size”.

6. Be Sociable

One of the major perks of moving in into a retirement village is the social side of life. When you live in the city, the chances are you barely spoke to your neighbors. However, when you are living within a retirement community, you can make the most of a rich event calendar.

Getting involved in the rich community spirit may highlight how boring life was before your move. Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to be around people constantly, a little alone time is good for us now and again.

7. Family, Friends, and Village Life

When you move into the retirement village, you will be leaving one life behind to start a new one. However, that doesn’t mean you need to strip away everything from your life. You should invite your friends and family to the village regularly because they will enjoy seeing what you get up to.

Having those closest to you visit will make you feel at home faster. When they come to visit, don’t be afraid to involve them in community life. You never know, they may make friends themselves.

8. Sooner The Better

Retirement villages have so much to offer, and if you leave it too late, you may be missing out. If you leave it too late, you may not be agile enough to get the full benefits that life has to offer.

Typically, residents move in when they are 75. However, there has been a shift recently that is seeing younger people moving in and making the most of this exciting lifestyle. After all, what’s better than living life to the full alongside friends.

9. Check Pet Policies

When you’re searching for a retirement village but you have a beloved pet, you need to ensure that they’re allowed to make the move with you. Pets can offer a companion in life, help reduce stress, and give elderly people purpose in life.

Although having a pet is an excellent idea, you need to be mindful of the guidelines and double-check with your potential new home.

10. Understand The Fees

Retirement homes offer a fantastic way of life, and often in luxury settings. However, like most things in life, they can come at a considerable cost. Before you move in, you need to check the fees and read the small print.

You will need to make regular payments for services used and you may be subject to an exit fee when it’s time to go, which can come as a shock to your next of kin.

Making living arrangements for old age can be a daunting process that comes with plenty of choices to make. If you decide to move into a retirement village, you need to ensure you visit the property, speak to the residents, and get involved in the social calendar.

After all, you will be paying enough for the service. If you want to ease the transition, communicate with your loved ones, and ask them to visit regularly.

About Post Author

Yashik Patel

Yashik Patel is a Google Certified, Digital Marketing and professional Blogger. He has 7+ years of experience in SEO, SEM, and ORM (Online Reputation Management) field.
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