water purification system
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Having clean water means it doesn’t contain pesticides, chemicals, bacteria, and any other contaminant.

This is essential as water is used for various uses in your home, from drinking, cleaning, cooking, and many more. It’s vital to safeguard your health and that of your loved ones through the water you drink.

But because the water for home use is mostly sourced from the well or supplied by the municipal, you aren’t guaranteed of it being completely clean. 

If you go ahead and use such water for an extended duration, you risk suffering from gastrointestinal issues such as nausea and cramping. In some severe cases, the use of contaminated water can cause cancer or, even worse, death.

Hence, you need to invest in a fully functional water purification system for home use. However, knowing the best among the variety of water purification systems in the market can be challenging and overwhelming.

To help you out, here’s a guide to select the best water purification systems for your home:

Reverse Osmosis Filtration System 

The reverse osmosis process entails the removal of contaminants, bacteria, viruses, particles, chemicals, and dissolved inorganic solids, for instance, calcium and magnesium ions.

These contaminants are removed when the water gets forced under pressure through the semipermeable membrane. But because minerals such as calcium and magnesium are essential for the body’s health, most reverse osmosis filtration system includes an alkalization stage.

water purification system

Here, these vital nutrients are added back into the water, and the water’s pH is balanced. 

You can order your reverse osmosis filtration system from sites such as https://www.filtap.com.au/. Remember it’s best to have it installed by a professional to ensure it works correctly and removes 99% of the bacteria, salts, and other contaminants from the water. 

Carbon Filtration System 

This water filtration system works by passing water through activated carbon filters that absorb contaminants and impurities. The advantage of this system is, it doesn’t remove any of the essential and healthy nutrients from the water.

Instead, it only removes chloramines, organic compounds, and chlorine. It also does an excellent job of removing bad tastes and odours, meaning the drinking water is safe and tasty. 

It’s recommended you replace the carbon filters from time to time as they become filled with contaminants over time. Therefore, make sure to ask the dealer selling you the carbon filtration system such as; 

  • If the filter needs to be changed
  • The frequency of replacement
  • The price of the replacement filter 
  • Where to buy the replacement filters 

After buying this water filtration system, you should place it adjacent to your kitchen sink over the countertop. 

Water Distillation Water Filtration Systems 

It’s an effective water purification system that uses heat to vaporize water into steam. When this happens, bacteria, minerals, and other substances get left behind, and the steam later condenses into pure water.

During the water distillation process, minerals, bacteria, small amounts of metals, nitrate, and many organic chemicals are removed. 

While water distillation does an excellent job removing contaminants, this process is very slow. Therefore, you can only produce between two to five gallons of water each day.

In addition, you’ll need to often clean this system and the process is very expensive as it uses up a lot of electricity. It would be best to factor in such issues when considering whether this is a suitable at-home water purification system. 

Ultraviolet Water Purification System 

This process involves passing water through stainless steel, plastic, or glass chamber to remove micro-organisms such as parasites, bacteria, and viruses.

It does this by exposing these harmful micro-organisms to intense UV lights produced by the UV lamp. The temperature generated by these lamps usually ranges around 104 degrees Fahrenheit, and there’s a screen to ensure the bulb doesn’t cool down. 

If you get the ultraviolet water purification system, make sure to change the UV lamps annually as their effectiveness reduces as they age.

This system doesn’t help remove any solid sediments from the water, so it might not be a great pick when purifying water with lots of solid particles.

In addition, the organic impurities, turbidity, and colour of the water may affect the ultraviolet energy transmission, thereby lowering its effectiveness and making it somewhat unsafe. 

Sediment Filtration 

It’s a basic and simple water filtration system you should invest in when looking to remove sediments such as heavy metals, dust, rust, silt, and any other huge particles present in water.

It features a sediment filter built from melt-down pleated polyester or polypropylene (PP) with a micron rating between 1 to 100 microns.

A sediment filter with a lower micron rating is a lot more efficient as it has pores of smaller size than a bigger rating, but the water flow rate is a lot slower. 

Because it doesn’t remove chemical contaminants, it’s best to use this water filter alongside a Reverse Osmosis filtration system or Activated Carbon filter. 


A water purification system in excellent condition is crucial to your home’s supply of clean water.

And because there are different options of water purification systems to choose from, you shouldn’t rush into buying one without doing exhaustive research.

If you didn’t know what to do, this post has discussed the best at-home water purification systems to consider.

About Post Author

Yashik Patel

Yashik Patel is a Google Certified, Digital Marketing and professional Blogger. He has 7+ years of experience in SEO, SEM, and ORM (Online Reputation Management) field.
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