As a company, you need to get your hands on any tool that can help you improve and be the best in your sector in a very competitive world.
Employee engagement surveys serve precisely this purpose. There is no better way to enhance your company’s efficiency than by listening to your very own staff who can surely share details of obstacles they meet, frustrations they need to suppress, and which tools they find helpful in their daily work life.
Advantages of employee surveys
An employee engagement survey will build trust among your employees. It will also help the HR department spot weak links inside the company; the more you know about issues in the office, the better chances you have to tackle those issues, come up with a solution, and boost productivity.
If a survey is used well and actions are taken on the results, it will instantly build trust between you, the top management, and your front-line staff.
This is because your employees will feel useful and part of the company’s success. This survey will give out the message that you care about what they have to say, and in return, your employees will be much more open to participating and, better still, own future changes emerging as a result of the survey.
Staff surveys are a successful way of understanding company sections.
You will be amazed by the differences that can harbor in different departments under the same roof. Is your mission statement, for example, perceived the same through all the various sections of your company? Do other employees feel the same about your policies? An employee engagement survey can help you compare and contrast your different departments or groups.
A timely indicator for action
If a survey is planned and executed at regular intervals, this may give you clear indications of what is going well and what needs to be changed. Through such a tool, you will be able to take action and recover immediately rather than wait for a large failure that will be very difficult to turn around. Likewise, if you notice good practice, you will be able to build on this, achieving a positive return much quicker.
Disadvantages – a tool that infiltrates doubts and animosity
Suppose your communication with employees ceases as soon as you give them instructions that they need to fill out the survey. In that case, the employee engagement survey will only act as a negative rather than a positive.
You cannot ask your staff to share their knowledge, emotions, and feelings with you and then leave them in the dark. This will instill a sense of mistrust between employees and top management. Do communicate your results and any course of action as soon as this is possible. Once your employees participate in a survey, they would want to know the outcome. Don’t let them speculate and move towards wrong conclusions!
Just another survey
Ensure that this survey (or any other survey for that matter) is not putting any fatigue on your employees. If you are continually asking your staff to fill out surveys, whether they are initiated by yourself, the Government, or a Private Company, you need to make sure you are only doing this a few times a year.
If this is not the case, apart from apathy, you will also get answers to your survey that are incorrect or misleading. This is due to hasty responses by uninterested employees fed up, filling one study after another.
Off the shelf survey
Your employee engagement survey must be tailor-made to the needs of your company. If leaders do not bother to make a study meaningful to the company so that the answers can be genuinely used for change, do not expect your employees to be highly motivated to participate or be bothered to go the extra mile to help out.
Are your employees engaged? As a company owner, you must make sure workers are happy and satisfied with their tasks. Every 6 months, you are advised to turn to staff surveys; make sure they’re anonymous, no longer than one page with a maximum number of 15 questions.