Fencing performs many functions, from being the marking point for property boundaries to ensuring livestock can’t access a certain area. They are also used as decorative features in parks and gardens. They take time, money, and effort to install and require regular maintenance in order to look their best.
When a fence gets damaged or becomes rotten it can be tempting to let it fall further into disrepair; however, a damaged fence can mean that your livestock or property is at risk. For most fence types, the quickest way to repair it would be with baling wire.
Using baling wire to fix a fence
How do you actually use baling wire to fix fencing? Well, it doesn’t take much effort and will ensure your borders are secure. Balingwiredirect.com produces wire in different diameters and lengths, and while there are many fence types to choose from, a bale wire fence is the best choice for repairing any type of damaged fencing. It’s strong, economical, and easy to install. Here’s how it’s done!
First, find out what type of fencing you need to replace:
Chain-link fences
A chain-link fence will look great in a park, but it’s prone to becoming damaged. To repair a partially damaged chain-link fence, use baling wire to stitch the two parts of fencing that have separated. Most chain-link fences are only 45 feet long, so you can easily purchase 5 or 10 yards of baling wire and finish the job.
Hurdle fences
Hurdle fences are strong but temporary fences. They are often used when people need a fence for a short time to pen in livestock. If your hurdle fence gets damaged, use baling wire to fix the wires and points of the hurdles that have separated. You can also replace individual hurdles after you repair the fence with baling wire.
Picket fences can be replaced in their entirety, but they’re fairly easy to repair with baling wire as well. While pickets should be installed at specific heights and distances from one another, replacing pickets is still possible if they get broken or bent due to weather or vandalism.
Panel fencing
Panel fencing is popular in many suburban areas. To repair a damaged panel fence, you can use baling wire to stitch the panels that have separated. Alternatively, you can use baling wire to create a temporary boundary by spanning the gap between posts. This gives you time to source a replacement panel.
Wooden fencing
If you have wooden fencing that has become damaged, using baling wire can solve your fencing problem. Baling wire can be used to hold the fence together or span gaps in the fence before you complete a permanent fix.
Baling wire is suitable for short-term repairs: it is water-resistant and ideal for use outdoors, and it is quick and cost-effective to install. However, it’s not a permanent solution in most situations. If you’re looking to install a long-term fencing solution, you should speak to an expert at your nearest hardware store.