Are you having trouble deciding on an exterior paint color for your home?
This article is tailored to assist you and lead you through the procedure of choosing the best paint color combination for the exterior of your home. I guarantee this article will make this as simple as possible for you!
The most common paint inquiry I’ve had over the years is selecting exterior paint colors, which was among the most challenging paint decisions you can make for your home.
You desire your home to have great curb appeal, and you wouldn’t want to make any color errors. If you follow these steps below, I guarantee you will minimize significant mistakes and also be able to develop substantial exterior paint color decisions!
1. Select Your Shade
The first step you have to do when selecting a color is choosing your favorite color shade. When you hear hue, don’t be scared. Shade means that you choose a mid-tone, light, or dark tone for the whole house.
Do not think about anything else, only whether you would be pleased by a white shade, light shade, medium, or a dark color.
If you think choosing a shade is instantaneous, you need to know it takes more than that. For some of the homeowners who are unsure of the shade, you may use these articles as a pin-pointer to decide.
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To choose a color, explore Pinterest for exterior ideas, or you can look at our catalog for ideas and better advice.
For example, if you have a ranch, you are better off searching on the internet to get the best design inspiration. If you’re confused with too many choices, asking your home builder is a good idea.
In addition to building your home to suit your needs and tastes, house builders in NC also help narrow down the right exterior colors for your home.
2. Your Roof Color Matters
Before you can proceed to any color shade for your exteriors and accent colors, consider your roof. In case you have a neutral grey or black rooftop, you don’t need to worry about color clashing.
For example, if you have red undertones and a dark brown roof, colors like blues or green wouldn’t work well for you. For those of you with tan, red, blue, or green undertones in your shingles, you will be sure to factor in your roof color as you decide your color palette.
If your home is built by bricks, you will need to factor in strong undertones. If your house is entirely made of bricks, you might need to choose a color trim that will match either a mid-tone, light color, or the darkest color found in the bricks or stones used for the frame.
3. Factor in Light
After you have decided on the roof color and accepted the shade for it, you need to factor in how light affects the exterior colors. Unlike your interior, sunlight will drastically turn your color a little faint.
As crazy as this advice may sound, you need to paint the exterior of your walls 2-3 times warmer to get a balanced color that would not lean to a different shade.
For example, if you paint a wall three times warmer in Beige color, it will turn to the grey you wanted when the light starts to make it fade. Keep in mind that if you want a white exterior color, you will need to choose a warner white, or your house will be cast blue.
4. Exterior Paint Inspiration
As you narrow down the shades and know that you need to warm the tone due to light, choose the actual color. Looking to other houses or similar home styles might inspire you to choose. I have sampled an entire Pinterest collection for you here that can help visualize a color.
5. Sample
There are many variables regarding the importance of selecting an exterior color, such as the direction of your home. Paint the samples on the different parts of the house and the following day, check how the examples have reacted to temperature and light.
This is a vital step when choosing exterior paint because the sunlight can make strange undertones that you cant see on the card.
All in all, you can also hire a professional individual to carry you through this process of choosing a perfect exterior color. In addition to these great tips, test the color ranges; it might save you many days to come.