Video Marketing Tips
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71% of marketers agree that video conversion rates surpass any other medium on the internet. Converting means using your video to elicit a desirable action from the viewer successfully. In other words, turning a mere viewer into a follower, endorser, consumer, or client.

However, many small businesses struggle to accomplish actual conversion rates in any given video content marketing strategy. If you find yourself in a rut, follow the video marketing tips and tricks below to learn how to refine your strategy, and maximize video conversions.

  1. Collaborate

The internet is one of the most social places we have access to. Use this to bolster your social media video marketing strategy. Do not rely solely on Google, YouTube, and your own social media networks. Instead, enlist other individuals and brands’ social authority in related niches to help disseminate your videos.

This is one of the most effective online video marketing tips for increasing conversion. When hundreds or thousands of loyal followers see your product promoted or mentioned by someone they trust, they’ll automatically trust your brand. Moreover, trust is the gateway to conversions.

  1. Develop a critical strategy

The first step to any organized marketing strategy is writing it down. Create a step-by-step plan of action for how you are going to promote each video. However, after carrying out these steps, the next phase is to critique your strategy.

Take note of what works and what doesn’t work for your business. Adjust as needed. Think outside the box for solutions to the roadblocks you encounter. One idea for a video marketing campaign strategy is to keep a list or calendar of new video marketing tips or strategies to try out.

  1. Produce gripping video ads

Video ads have led to conversions for years, even before the invention of the internet. According to research by AOL, YouTube has greater converting power than any other social network. Any marketing strategy for video should embrace YouTube marketing.

When creating advertisements for YouTube and other social platforms, avoid overselling your product. Instead, create an entertaining or inspiring video that adds value to the viewer. Then, explain how your product, service, or business resolves your audience’s needs. Hook them with your video, then convert them with your brand.

  1. Create a community, not just videos

Video isn’t just about selling—it’s about building a digital community. Many marketers concur that creating video content, such as on a YouTube channel; can help grow a following for your brand that would have otherwise been inaccessible. Converse with your viewers—make them the #1 focus of your videos.

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Instead of only creating promotional video content, developing a video marketing strategy that prioritizes valuable and shareable videos may lead to more conversions in the long run. When viewers watch your videos or subscribe to your channel, they will want to learn more about your brand and may organically convert themselves to your product or services.

  1. Don’t lose your viewers during the video

 Our attention spans shorten with every generation. Therefore, every second of your video has to be a home run to maximize conversions. It does not matter how good your intro is if you lose the viewer halfway into the video.

Viewers will only stick around for a few more seconds if they sense your video content is going in a direction they don’t like. Throw in-jokes, surprises, valuable tips, gripping visuals, insightful commentary, entertainment, or anticipation to keep your viewers hooked throughout the entire video.

  1. Integrate videos in creative ways

A YouTube channel or the occasional video ads are not the only ways to integrate a video marketing strategy. Because video is so versatile, any business can integrate it into various elements of their video marketing strategy. Integrating video in as many places and as many ways as possible will maximize your conversion potential.

Video can help with anything from product demonstrations to recruiting new employees. Your brand can use live streaming platforms such as Periscope or Facebook to conduct discussions or Q&A’s with your audience. Every brand should include a video on their landing page to increase conversions, as well.

  1. Target your demographics more accurately

The internet grows every second, with billions of users logging on every day. With this in mind, defining and targeting a specific demographic will help you more efficiently and successfully capture potential customers.

Social media is one tool to sharpen your focus on a specific demographic. Many social networks, such as Facebook, will let you choose your ads’ demographics, from geographic location to relationship status. This way, you do not waste time targeting people who cannot relate to your brand.

  1. Promote more ways of monetization

The more monetization options you provide, the more viewers will take action on your video somehow. Instead of only asking viewers to give you their email address, like your Facebook page, or buy a specific service, you can encourage various actions to elicit more conversions.

If you only sell one product or have one social media account, your conversion options are minimal. However, if you expand your horizons, you can count conversions when viewers share your video on Pinterest, purchase your brand merchandise, test out your free trial, and check out your live stream on Periscope and the list goes on.

Wrap Up

No question creating a video marketing strategy is essential for any business to thrive online. Following the video marketing tips for small businesses above will help you sharpen your strategy so you can move ahead of the competition. If you ever struggle with converting viewers, remember to check back here and make sure your videos are built for conversions.

About Post Author

Yashik Patel

Yashik Patel is a Google Certified, Digital Marketing and professional Blogger. He has 7+ years of experience in SEO, SEM, and ORM (Online Reputation Management) field.
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