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When it comes to increasing traffic to your website, blogs play a paramount role. Most of the entrepreneurs think they are just for promoting your products and services, but that is not the fact.

The blog is an amazing tool to engage your users provided you provide them with informative content.

As far as it is about promoting your products, you have already created web pages and landing pages. You should write a blog to provide a solution to your users. Understand what problems they are facing and how they can solve them.

They want the solution to their current problems, and blogging can do it. However, one of the significant concerns among entrepreneurs is getting followers for blogs.

You can underestimate the importance of blogging because it can increase traffic to your website and help prospects convert into sales.

However, most of the bloggers fail to get enough traffic. In fact, sometimes the traffic is zero. If you want to increase traffic to your blogs, you should use the following proven methods.

Create valuable content

If you want to get increased traffic to your blog, you will have to increase the engagement of your users. A rule of thumb says that you should not rephrase what is already written on Google because it is not going to provide any value to your users.

You should think about some topics that solve the current problems of your users. You can refer to People Also Ask and Google Trends to get an idea of the topic. There are various s people writing multiple copies of blogs but unfortunately, they all are trash.

There is one of a kind who actually generates well-researched article that reveals some new information. If you create a blog that gives value to your users, they will be tempted to visit you to find more and more articles, and soon, you will begin to see a surge in the number of visitors.

However, you will have to optimise your blogs on the internet. For instance, you can share its excerpt on social media platforms that paves the way for clicking the link to read it.

Mention some most exciting and informative post links on your product pages, so when people visit your website, they can pick a blog to read. Once they find that you provide them with true and unique information, they will revisit your site..

Encourage visitors to sign up

Although there are various tools for lead generation that can help you build email newsletters, you do not need to invest in them to spur people on to sign up. If you provide original and valuable content, people will keep visiting your blogs.

It does not make sense to invest in tools when you are not offering value to your users. Once you have seen people love the content you share online, you can encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters in the following ways:

  • After two free readings, you can restrict the reading further without signing up for newsletters. After the small text, various blogging sites share a popup that asks visitors to sign up for free reading further.
  • If you create long-format content, you can ask them to download the PDF and do not allow for it unless they sign up.
  • If you are creating how-to tutorials, try to share videos and put a subscribing column so people can watch them.

This is how you can build your email list, and once you have done it, you can send them newsletters weekly or bi-weekly. Make sure that you have framed a strategy for sending newsletters. Otherwise, people will mark it spam and opt out of your mailing list.

Showcase popular content

Even though all of the blogs you have created are amazing, not all of them attain the same attention. This is why interesting, highlighting content is essential. This is a great way to increase followers to your blogs.

You will need online tools to know the number of visitors to each blog so you can pick popular posts. You can create a list of such pieces of content on the side of web pages and landing pages. This is also a great way to hold traffic and reduce the bounce rate.

Highlighting the best content will help you get new people, and they will likely subscribe to your newsletter. This strategy will help you know what kind of posts people want to read. You can use this information as a basis for creating new engaging posts.

This is essential to track the response of people to the content you share with them. You have to know their interest and curiosity to make sure that you share content that they like.

Publish relevant content regularly

You have published an exciting content piece, and you can sit back. No, it does not need to be that way. You will have to keep writing engaging posts constantly.

People wait for the second post to read, and you should not make them wait for too long. A rule of thumb says that you should create a content plan to ensure that you regularly feed your users.

For instance, if you have chosen to publish a blog post alternatively, you should stick to your goal. Some people do not publish posts consistently.

They publish a couple of posts in one week and then hardly one or two posts next week. If you do like this, most of the blogs will go unread.

Therefore, try to publish the same number of posts every day or week. Use a content calendar to set a schedule.

The consistent contribution will not only increase the engagement of your users but will also help your website to improve ranking on search engines.

Although you need to provide content to keep your users engaged consistently, do not forget that it must be unique, information and provide value to your users. Otherwise, it will yield no output.

Optimise the right keywords

No matter how good content you write, your users cannot find you online if you do not optimise keywords properly.

You should dive into a keyword planner to pick keywords that people are using to make a query. Integrating the right keyword in your content is highly crucial if you want your users to find you online.

However, it can be quite tough to optimise all keywords when there is a lot of competition. A rule of thumb says that you should use a mix of low and high competition keywords, provide they all have a high volume of searches.

This is a great way to be a part of the competition. You can hire a digital marketer to get it done in the right way, and you can take out bad credit loans with direct lenders in the UK if you do not have to fund it.

Add social share buttons

Analyse whether the traffic is coming to your blog posts from social media channels. If yes, you should provide a personalised experience to them.

If they have commented on your blog, you should get back to them. You do not need to write long stories because a polite gesture of saying thanks will be enough.

Sharing is very popular on social media. When you create content, people love to share it with others. Try to make it easy for people to share content.

If you add social share buttons, it will be much easier for people to share content. This will expand the reach of your users, and ultimately, your visitors will grow.

The more visitors, the more prospects will be, and the more prospects, the higher the conversion will be.

Publish guest blogs

Most of the people think guest blogging is a tool for link building, but the fact is that it builds brand awareness. It can help you create authority in the niche you have chosen.

At the time of giving rank to your post, Google monitors the reputation level of your brand online.

If you have shared content on third party websites, it shows that people love your content and you have expertise in it.

However, it is crucial to understand that your guest posting will have an adverse effect on your ranking if you are associated with low-quality websites and producing poor-quality blogs. Try to contribute to those resources that have a reputation.

If you are looking to see increased followers to your blog, you have to use the tips mentioned above. As long as you provide valuable content to your users, they will naturally keep visiting your blog. You do not need to do much hard work to attract them.

You can hire a marketer who can help you get some more followers by understanding the goals of your business and customer behaviour and to fund its cost you can apply for a loan.

About Post Author

Yashik Patel

Yashik Patel is a Google Certified, Digital Marketing and professional Blogger. He has 7+ years of experience in SEO, SEM, and ORM (Online Reputation Management) field.
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