One thing that is certain about corporate culture is that it is constantly evolving. Corporate culture is, at its heart, the character of your company.
It is your company’s shared set of values, beliefs, and ideologies that affect everything from how employees collaborate to how you deal with customers.
Each new employee contributes a new variable to the equation. They bring new ideas and perspectives that add value to your common culture.
Although there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution for business culture, there are some simple, practical corporate culture concepts you can use now to boost your organization’s immediate and long-term performance.
1. Adopt Transparency
Transparency benefits everyone, not just employees. A transparent business culture positively impacts the entire organization and results in a highly engaged workforce.
Thriving company culture is built on trust. If you want your firm to have a transparent and open culture, the first step is to ensure that your employees have access to current collaboration and communication technologies.
Outdated communication technologies may be a massive roadblock to openness, especially when you are working with remote employees and offices. It is imperative that your staff be able to communicate with one another and share critical information quickly and easily.
2. Embrace Workplace Diversity and Inclusion
Employees feel more at ease in a setting that is inclusive and diverse. Professionals that are more connected at work perform harder and smarter, resulting in higher-quality output.
As a result, managers using diversity and inclusion techniques realize significant improvements in business outcomes, creativity, and decision-making.
3. Recognition of Accomplishments
We all know that firms that prioritize a high-recognition culture have much lower turnover rates. Identify particular actions and outcomes that are in alignment with your company’s visions and goals, then acknowledge and reward them as often as possible.
Most importantly, include everyone. Employee acknowledgment does not have to come only from the top. It is sometimes much more powerful when praise comes from all sides — from leaders, colleagues, and strangers alike.
4. Share the Challenges
There is a reason you recruited the best and brightest people. You are offering the possibility for the team to find solutions together by being transparent about the issues you and your firm are encountering.
This does not imply that you have to disclose every detail of every logistical obstacle. Still, when addressing complex problems, multiple heads are better than one, especially when they come from different backgrounds.
5. Provide Employee Autonomy
At work, no one likes being micromanaged. It is unproductive, inefficient, and does not help your business culture generate trust. Because you hired them, you should have confidence in their ability to efficiently handle their obligations.
Allowing employees to express discretion, changing the 40-hour workweek paradigm, building an autonomous workforce, and offering decision-making possibilities are all methods to promote employee autonomy. Accepting your team’s autonomy helps them make unpleasant but necessary decisions.
Company culture has always been crucial, but in the last couple of decades, it has become a prominent topic of conversation. A genuinely concerned corporate culture is a constant work in progress, growing in sync with your company and its employees, which is why it is up to you to guide that growth and pick which of these measures to incorporate first.