Next-Day Delivery for eCommerce
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Ecommerce is probably the biggest single thing that has happened to trade since the discovery of currency. Why?

Well, because it has raised customer experience to a higher standard. Instead of going to a crowded mall, roaming in search of items you need, and getting stuck at the register, all you need to do is click a few times and give your credit card details to make a purchase. It is that simple.

So, why do people still go to stores? Usually, they can go there and leave with the product without having to wait (or pay) for delivery. This is why the notion of next-day delivery is changing the world of eCommerce as we know it. Here are a few additional examples.

Next Day Delivery vs. Free Delivery

There is a lot of debate on what means more to the customer, next day delivery or free delivery. It doesn’t surprise that when faced with this problem, most people will opt for the latter. In virtually any age groupfree delivery takes a significant advantage.

However, saying that free delivery is, therefore, clearly superior is far from the whole truth.

As we already mentioned, people who want to get their product immediately and not spend a single dollar while doing so will probably go to the store personally. Furthermore, the number of people who opt for next-day delivery ranges from 27 to 30 percent, which is almost one-third of all of your buyers. In other words, although next day delivery isn’t the most crucial thing there is, it is still too important to be neglected.

Freighting and Overseas Forwarding

Thanks to modern sea freight forwarding, organizing next-day delivery has become much more comfortable. Depending on the business-niche, your goods will be of different volume and weight, so you need to make the right choice when it comes to their transportation.

It would help if you also kept in mind that you need to deal with seaport taxes, trading terms, custom clearance procedures, and local land freight connections if you also kept in mind. This is why you want to talk with someone from this industry beforehand.

Depending on the Industry

Furthermore, depending on the industry, you should focus on different aspects of eCommerce.

You see, buyers from different industries act differently. For example, 8 percent of people buying cars and car parts online consider abandoning the purchase because the same- or next-day delivery is unavailable.

On the other hand, this is true for only 3 percent of buyers when it comes to office supplies. Because of this, you need to put your business in perspective of its industry before you can adequately evaluate just how much next-day delivery would mean for your company.


As you can see, next day delivery can genuinely be a deal-breaker. Sure, it might have seemed like a luxury in the past, but today it is completely mandatory for all those who want to stay competitive. Of course, you will have to act more expediently and sometimes even pay more, but considering how much you can lose; otherwise, it is more than worth it. Although all of this can seem a bit overwhelming at times, you are never entirely on your own in the era of information.

About Post Author

Yashik Patel

Yashik Patel is a Google Certified, Digital Marketing and professional Blogger. He has 7+ years of experience in SEO, SEM, and ORM (Online Reputation Management) field.
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