Cloud computing is growing at an exponential rate. Originally driven by factors of reducing cost and ease of user access, the steady migration of business activity to the cloud has seen an acceleration in recent times, driven by the digitization of apps and services as a result of the global pandemic.
For both the working IT specialist and the individual considering an entry-level position in the field of information technology, the decision to gain a cloud computing certification is wise.
The growth of cloud computing
Cloud computing is predicted to account for 14% of global IT spending by 2024. Considering that this sector accounted for only 9% of global IT spending in 2020, this represents a significant and substantial rise.
The mass uptake of cloud computing and cloud hosting services has been experienced across almost all commercial and industrial sectors. This greatly impacts IT, managers and specialists, as it should rightly be considered as a growth sector.
For the working IT professional, the acquisition of a cloud certification represents another handy string to the bow. For the IT initiate, such a certification can add weight in the eyes of a hiring manager and perhaps further weigh in an applicant’s favor despite a relative lack of hands-on experience.
Online certification can be readily acquired, and the aws cloud certification stands as a sensible option.
Choosing a vendor-specific certification
Cloud certifications are typically vendor-specific, and hence they will address the architecture and operation of one specific cloud platform, whether it be Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or Amazon Web Services (AWS).
For the working IT specialist, the decision of which certification to take up will largely be driven by company or contractor demand.
For those seeking a foothold in the IT industry, the choice of certification will likely be more speculative. As a guide, AWS presently accounts for the greatest share of the market, owning and operating almost half of the global cloud market. In terms of market share, AWS is then followed by Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, respectively.
Once acquired, the cloud certification provides a broad grounding in the architecture and technical concepts relevant to the particular vendor cloud and positions the candidate for a range of potential related IT jobs.
An old AWS slogan was “Cloud is the new normal”, and that ideal certainly holds good in 2021. Senior management across a vast range of business sectors recognize the value and importance of cloud technology as a means of optimizing business practice.
The uptake of cloud services and technology has accelerated in recent months as a result of the changes in business practice wrought by the global health pandemic. With developing compatible technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, the uptake and demand for cloud-based services will be widespread and significant.
It would benefit both the working IT professional and the IT novice to take heed of this growth sector and give strong consideration to including a relevant cloud certification to their portfolio.